After the great success of EBDVF17, the new edition of the European Big Data Value Forum will be held in Vienna from the 12th to the 14th of November 2018.
The European Big Data Value Forum is a key European event for industry professionals, business developers, researchers, and policymakers to discuss the challenges and opportunities of the European data economy and data-driven innovation in Europe.
TransformingTransport will organise a session on “Making transport more sustainable and efficient” and co-organise, in cooperation with the BDVA Mobility and Logistics Subgroup & the LeMO Horizon 2020 project, a workshop on “Policy issues, opportunities and barriers in big data-driven transport”.
Session on “Making transport more sustainable and efficient” (Monday, 12th November 13:00-14:30)
Big data plays a significant role in working towards the resolution of the various challenges inclusive on how smart cities and companies obtain their transportation targets and use and deploy ICT to enhance their transportation networks. Thanks to modern technology, data collection tools and analytics don’t have to slow transportation professionals down anymore in fact, these tools can be some of planners’ most valuable assets. To discuss all these challenges TT invites willing contributors on a dedicated session that can showcase sustainable and efficient big data solutions in the domains of logistics, aviation and rail. Explore the big data solutions in 7 TT domains.
Workshop on “Policy issues, opportunities and barriers in big data-driven transport” (Wednesday, 14th November 13:30-15:00)
This workshop aims to reach out to the audience during and after the various presentations to gather valuable feedback that aims in the formation of a common policy roadmap relating to the topics identified for Big Data in transport. Ultimately, the results of the session, as fed by experts (including attendees of EBDVF 2018), will enable the identification of industry-led recommendations to (EU) policymakers in relation to Big Data, with a focus on the transport sector driving a roadmap creation activity to be fed by big data specialists and to validate, clarify, complement and/or challenge the identified opportunities, barriers and limitation to exploit big data.
Check for TransformingTransport material and discuss with our experts at the BDV PPP Village at the event's exhibition!
For more information, please visit the event's website.