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  • 27 July, 2018

Big Data to transform logistics models

The logistics sector can benefit significantly from exploiting Big Data in order to streamline services and operate more efficiently. Many logistics providers already produce and use large data flows, which is why the advent of Big Data is making waves in the logistics sector.

With the use of Big Data to improve transport processes, the sector will have an important positive impact on society brought about by faster, more direct and cleaner transport, resulting not only in a better quality of living for people but also much less CO2 emissions.

To this aim, the EU-funded TransformingTransport is integrating, adapting and refining existing Big Data architectures, services and technologies related to logistics. It is currently validating them through highly relevant conceptual prototypes that could redefine the logistics sector.

The logistics pilots under TransformingTransport have developed new concepts related to transport management that support decision making of different logistics stakeholders. In this way, the different users and providers of logistics services can adapt their behaviour to achieve greater efficiency in many ways.

The aptly named TransformingTransport project is revealing the transformative nature that Big Data can bring across the whole value chain of the mobility and logistics sector, not only for individual market segments but also on a more holistic level.

The logistics pilots are using data sources in all the different transport modes and are deftly integrating vertical and horizontal data to strengthen the use of Big Data technology and applications.

Already, the project has outlined different strategies to help achieve the objectives of the different pilots, as well as their subsequent integration into the market with solutions that substantially improve the transport sector.

Informed by interest groups, the pilots are identifying successful innovations in the transport sector. These interest groups are even being integrated in one of the pilots to guarantee an inclusive and bottom-up approach to optimising logistics.

In effect, a whole range of viable services and innovations are emerging from the project, supported by both the project partners at an internal level and external stakeholders such as interest groups.

Within this context TransformingTransport is focusing not only on demonstrating how Big Data can be applied to the transport sector on a large scale, but also on building a network of companies that contribute to bringing specifically designed products and services to the logistics market.

To learn more about the power of Big Data on logistics, check out our logistics-related pilots here:

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